Shot peregrine found in County Durham has to be euthanised

shot perg june 2015 durham_peregrinefalconjohnolleyThe Police and the RSPB are appealing for information following the discovery of a shot peregrine last month.

The bird was found, still alive, on 4th June at Castle Lake, Bishop Middleham, a local nature reserve managed by Durham Bird Club.

After a veterinary examination the male’s injuries were considered so severe it was decided to put him to sleep.

The RSPB is offering a £1,000 reward for information that leads to a successful conviction.

RSPB press release here

Photo of shot peregrine by John Olley

2 thoughts on “Shot peregrine found in County Durham has to be euthanised”

  1. In the land of the racing pigeon 3 guesses for who’s responsible for this? I also see that the Shropshire gamekeeper got let off by the Court. Dark days.

  2. Shame on you,you anti social freak.You must be really proud of yourself and go boasting to your saddo mates.Pity your just a coward the same as the rest of them and haven’t got the bxxxs to put your hands up and say ” aye it was me “

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