RESTORE NATURE NOW – biggest UK rally for nature, Saturday 22 June, London

In an unprecedented display of cooperation and union, over 150 organisations will come together in London on Saturday 22 June 2024 under the banner, ‘Restore Nature Now’, calling on cross-party politicians to take action for wildlife, nature and climate.

This will be a legal, peaceful and family-friendly rally, starting with a 1.6 mile march from Park Lane starting at 12 noon, culminating with a rally at Parliament Square at 2.15pm where there’ll be speakers, entertainers and music until closing at 4.30pm.

Thousands of supporters are expected to take part, celebrating nature but calling for urgent political action to address the nature and climate emergencies. All the ‘big’ organisations will be there, as well as many ‘smaller’ ones (see here for list of organisations taking part).

This is a timely opportunity to show prospective politicians from ALL parties that these issues matter to many of us who’ll be heading to the polling stations on 4th July.

For further information about the march and rally, please visit the Restore Nature Now campaign website here.

2 thoughts on “RESTORE NATURE NOW – biggest UK rally for nature, Saturday 22 June, London”

  1. Can’t be there in person, but wholly support the aims of the walk, coming at a very apposite time for politicians, with the forthcoming election!

  2. Maybe some of the big media companies could push this more? Anybody have any connections in high places? Would it be worth asking all the political parties where they stand on nature and open access, as I think during lockdown a lot more people have become more aware of how fragile nature is and how much we need it?

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