Case adjourned for Christopher Wheeldon accused of alleged peregrine egg theft in Derbyshire

Christopher Wheeldon, 34, of Lime Grove, Darley Dale, Matlock appeared in court in Chesterfield on 15 November 2023 to face charges charges relating to the alleged theft of peregrine eggs and disturbance of a peregrine nest site in Bolsover in April 2023 (see here).

Photo by Ben Hall, RSPB Images

This is the case where the accused failed to attend court in October 2023 and a warrant was issued for his arrest (see here).

The case was adjourned again on 15 November 2023 as there was insufficient time and Wheeldon is now scheduled to appear again on 15 January 2024.

Thanks to the RSPB’s Investigations team for the information.

PLEASE NOTE: As this is a live court case comments won’t be accepted until criminal proceedings have concluded. Thanks for your understanding.

UPDATE 16 January 2024: Derbyshire ‘drug addict’ jailed for stealing peregrine eggs (here)