RESTORE NATURE NOW – biggest rally for UK nature, Saturday 22 June 2024 (2 weeks today!)

In an unprecedented display of cooperation and union, over 150 organisations will come together in London on Saturday 22 June 2024 under the banner ‘Restore Nature Now’, calling on cross-party politicians to take action for wildlife, nature and climate.

This will be a legal, peaceful and family-friendly rally, starting with a 1.6 mile march from Park Lane at 12 noon, culminating with a rally at Parliament Square at 2.15pm where there’ll be speakers, entertainers and music until closing at 4.30pm.

Thousands of supporters are expected to take part, celebrating nature but calling for urgent political action to address the nature and climate emergencies. All the ‘big’ organisations will be there, as well as many ‘smaller’ ones (see here for list of organisations taking part).

This is a timely opportunity to show prospective politicians from ALL parties that these issues matter to many of us who’ll be heading to the polling stations on 4th July.

For further information about the march and rally, including details of coach transport from across the UK, please visit the Restore Nature Now campaign website here.

See you there!

One thought on “RESTORE NATURE NOW – biggest rally for UK nature, Saturday 22 June 2024 (2 weeks today!)”

  1. Revive have issued a call to action to support amendments to the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill – to stop subsidies for grouse shooting in Scotland – that is being voted on in the Scottish Parliament next week. 

    They write:

    On Tuesday and Wednesday next week, MSP’s will debate Stage 3 amendments to the bill. 

    This is a good chance to make your views known. You can do this by writing to your MSP (constituency or regional) and asking them to back the following amendments:

    37 – refuse to provide support if not aligned with the objectives of Scottish Agricultural policy. This would allow ministers to rule out specific land uses from getting agricultural subsidies in the future. It means that if amendment 38 falls then a future government could still take action against land managed for driven grouse shooting. 

    38 – refuse to provide support to a landowner if the primary activity on the land is the management of driven grouse shooting. This amendment speaks for itself. Why should public money go to land managed for driven grouse shooting given the circle of destruction it causes?

    39 – refuse to provide support to any person found guilty of a wildlife crime or has had a section 16AA licenced revoked under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. This amendment will ensure that wildlife criminals and irresponsible owners cannot benefit from public subsidies. A 16AA licence is the new licence that grouse moor owners must hold if they want to host grouse shooting on their land. They can have their licence revoked if, for example, management falls foul of the good practice code or if someone involved in managing the moor is involved in a wildlife crime. ”

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